Tethering Camera to Computer

Tethering camera to computer

The Back screen of your camera is high resolution, sharp, and with great colors, but they are small. Initially, when you take pictures with your camera, they look good on the back screen, but when you see them on your computer, you see so many flaws, and the reason for this is the size of the screen. 


If you are shooting in a studio or in any controlled environment where you can use your laptop, then you should always use tethering to connect your camera with your computer.


Tethering camera to a computer can save you a lot of time in the post because you can see your pictures on a larger screen and check for imperfections. Secondly, the images will capture directly on your computer, and that makes the photography workflow easy.


I have made a video on “Tethering Camera to Computer” where you will understand the complete process of tethering a camera with any laptop or computer.


What are the benefits of tethering camera to a computer:


  • Instead, on a small screen of your computer, you can see your images on a large screen.
  • You can correct your white balance and exposure instantly.
  • You can use color-calibrated monitors to capture accurate colors.
  • You can check Focus, makeup, styling, and composition on a large screen.
  • Your team members can participate in your shoot more effectively, as they can also see the images while you are shooting.
  • You can show or share the pictures instantly with your client or art director.
  • Tagging, rating, comparing images while shooting can make post-work less tedious.
  • The chances of losing the data are low as you can create multiple copies (Backup Strategies) during the shoot.


What do you need for tethering a camera to the computer?

  1. Camera with Instant file transfer facility
  2. Compatible cable to connect the camera with a computer
  3. A software that can do tether shooting


Camera with Instant file transfer facility

Almost all DSLR or Mirrorless cameras can transfer the images instantly, but still, you should with your camera manufacturer. Also, you should consider checking if your camera can transfer both RAW and JPEG files with good speed.


Compatible cable to connect the camera with a computer

DSLR cameras can have different types of connectivity like Firewire, USB 2.0, USB 3.0, or USB C type. Once you decide to go with tethering, you should buy a compatible USB cable to connect your camera to a laptop or computer. Most camera manufacturers provide a small connecting cable with their cameras, which you can use with an extension cable (Link) for tether shoot.


Software that can do tether shooting

You can easily tether your camera to a laptop by using the software that came with your camera. But in my opinion, those softwares have limited features and are brand specific. There are two popular software for the tethering process Adobe Lightroom and CaptureOne Pro. I recommend CaptureOne Pro because it’s loaded with features and also fast in the tethering process. So until you are a Lightroom user, I recommend CaptureOne Pro.



Everyone should use the tethering process, whether you are a beginner or an amateur photographer. Shooting tethered will improve your photography, and you will learn from your mistakes quickly. Initially, you will feel it tedious, but in the longer run, you will love it, and your clients will take you more seriously.

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